I terms of the gender of the subject behind the mask, I do want a mixture of the 'dual-genders' but I don't want 2 of each; that would be too equal and equality is not what my work is about. So I think, therefore, I will have one male subject and 3 female subjects.
The 4 images I choose need to aptly display a mix of gendered faces within the masks and mesh will with the faces of the subjects' faces behind the masks. They need parts of the face to line up but other parts to obviously not, making the face look whole yet disfigured at the same time.
I think I have decided on the four images below. And I want them displayed in the order they are shown.

I also now need to decide on how they will be displayed on the wall they will be on; whether I want the wall black or white.
A black background contrasts the whiteness of the image background against both the subject and the background of the wall. The images are contained within the photograph borders.
A white background would allow the background of the image to 'bleed' through to the wall. The images would become one giant piece with no borders.
I think a black background would be better suited to my work as I want the boxed, contained images to be contrasted with the background.