Friday 11 March 2011


These are all my past reflective journal entries.  I don't have the dates for all of them so will just put them in a few dateless posts.
The end of Final Major Project 1 saw me creating 'transexual object'. Objects in which clothing, associated with one gender, was team with genitals of the other gender.
These objects were based on the notion of transexuality and how it puts individual's sexual and gender identity into question. Transexuality is a threat to culturally conceived ideals of gender. The gender lines have become blurred and even dissolved.
I have continued with the idea of producing work about transgenderism and its effect on the gender and society. Rather than produce 'transexual objects', I have begun to create transexual collages. These have been created using black and white images of models, mostly underwear models models- both male and female. I have mixed  and matched different features from each to create a hybrid- a new transexual character. This is a big difference from my precious work - in which I avoided using whole people.
I have used images of models so far as they are representations of gender bodily perfection- according to contemporary society
 By creating an 'abnormal' looking body that deviates from the 'norm'- using these models- I want to contrast the bodily archetypes with transgenderism, which could be seen as outside the norm.
The images are all black and white as it allows for colour to not become an issue when merging these images.
I think an important part of  these collages is fragmentation. The original models and their genders are fragmented, their bodies and identities cut and moved about to create a new person with a new, possibly indistinguishable, gender.

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